Mental Health Resources
Mental health is just as important as your physical health when it comes to pregnancy. We have collected some resources that can help support you in this transition.
What should I be on the lookout for?
​Pregnancy and postpartum can be times of increasing stress, changing hormones, and swings in mood. These sensations are very common. Changing mental health may mean needing to reach out for extra support, learning new coping skills, or seeing a professional.
Consider discussing with your healthcare provider if you are experiencing :
Excessive worries or racing thoughts about many things
Low moods, crying often
Feeling irritable, picking fights with your partner
Negative thoughts about your changing body, not feeling like it belongs to you
Not able to sleep due to worries or low thoughts
Not able to eat, dress yourself, or shower
Feelings of hopelessness, wanting to end your life
Central Resources for New or Expecting Parents
MGH Brigham-Women's Blog on perinatal psychiatry
Mother to Baby website on safe medications in pregnancy - including psychiatric medications
"Mindfulness in Pregnancy" mediation series on Headspace
Post-partum support international
Support for new fathers​
Wellness Support Line for Physicians | CMA : 1-800-851-6606 (more details by province on website)